Rosenkranz Remarks

The Blog of Robert Rosenkranz

Recommended Reading: Steven Pinker’s Enlightenment Now

by robertrosenkranz on August 30, 2018

Robert Rosenkranz’s  Enlightenment Now by Steven Pinker

In an age of increasingly pessimistic and bleak world views, Steven Pinker’s new book, Enlightenment Now, couldn’t come at a better time. It’s a sort of balm from the recent surge in authoritarian populism and the general hopelessness that stems from it. Through the lens of Pinker’s optimistic philosophy, Enlightenment Now expands on his seminal book, The Better Angels of Our Nature, and creates a cohesive overview of the liberal Enlightenment values that are currently under attack from both extremes of the political spectrum. While he paints a rose-colored picture of humanity right now, he also explains the media biases that cause most people to feel much worse about human progress than they ought to feel.

robertrosenkranzRecommended Reading: Steven Pinker’s Enlightenment Now

teamLab: Pioneering the Future of Art

by robertrosenkranz on January 4, 2017

In physics, spacetime is any mathematical model that combines space and time into a single interwoven continuum. As the digital domain rapidly expands the human relationship to both space and reality, not to mention dimensions of time, the idea of achieving a unified consciousness is hardly abstract. teamLab, a digital art collective based in Japan, is pioneering the intersection of space, time, reality and consciousness through immersive, interactive digital artworks.

teamLab is a collective of young Japanese creatives, drawn from fields as diverse as computer science, mathematics, graphics design, art history, and philosophy. Working collaboratively in a scruffy Tokyo office building, the vibe is of a tech start-up, with dozens of twenty some-things working at screens in cramped quarters. There are no private offices, and no indications of a hierarchy of any sort. All share equally in the profits. Large scale commercial projects for shopping malls and corporate promotions pay the rent, but clearly people are there because of their commitment to art and to the creative process. While artists have for centuries past employed armies of studio assistants, the collective, cross-disciplinary, tech-savvy approach TeamLab is pioneering might well represent the future. Founded by Toshiyuki Inoko, teamLab is breaking new ground in the art world to reveal new dimensions of art making and interactivity.

robertrosenkranzteamLab: Pioneering the Future of Art

The Art of Mu Xin: Landscape Paintings and Prison Notes

by robertrosenkranz on January 13, 2015

The Art of Mu Xin: Landscape Paintings and Prison Notes” was organized by the Yale University Art Gallery. It traveled from Yale to the Smart Museum of Art at the University of Chicago, The Honolulu Academy of Art, and The Asia Society in New York. At the completion of the exhibition, the paintings were donated to Yale University Art Gallery.

robertrosenkranzThe Art of Mu Xin: Landscape Paintings and Prison Notes